WVMEA Solo & Ensemble Festivals

Solo & Ensemble Rules and Regulations
Download the Solo & Ensemble rules and regulations, found on the submission form, for information on eligibility, fees, music selection, copyright, and more. Please read the rules and regulations closely for any changes this year.


WVMEA Solo and Ensemble Festivals are generally held on a Saturday in January or February.  All participating teachers must be current members at the time of the festival. For further information visit the WVMEA website or contact your site chair.

► Fee: $10 per event

► Events MUST be paid for when registering (AT THE DEADLINE)

► NO SUBSTITUTIONS if a student(s) cannot make it, students can only attend at ONE site

All recordings for the State Honors Recitals will be submitted electronically. Recordings may be made before the festival, but the personnel on the recording must be the same that perform at the festival. Recordings may be submitted using audio OR video digital media. Due to size restrictions on the website, all recordings must use a weblink for submission. It is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED that students make their recordings ahead of time.

Payment: Submissions for the WVMEA State Honors Recital is $15.  Directors are highly encouraged to pay by credit or debit card. Payment by check should only be used in cases of absolute necessity. If paying by check, all checks must be postmarked no later than the registration deadline for site festivals or received by the State Honors Recital adjudication. If a check is not received on time then submissions will not be adjudicated. See the “Fees” section of the rules and regulations for further information.

Rules and Regulations: Please read the rules and regulations thoroughly to be sure
you are up to date on all information. It is the responsibility of each director/teacher to know the rules and regulations for this school year.

► Deadline February 18, 2025 (more information will be provided soon)

► ALL those submitting a state recital submission must have a teacher/sponsor who is a member in good standing of NAfME/WVMEA.

► The WVMEA State Recital will only be ONE day — Thursday, March 6.


State Solo Submission Form >>    |    State Ensemble Submission Form >>

State Solo Submission >>

State Ensemble Submission >>


State Solo and Ensemble Chair:





Princeton Site
(PikeView MS)JANUARY 18, 2025

LeeAnn Lykens and Mary Withersemail: llykens@k12.wv.us or mwithers@k12.wv.us

Lewisburg Site
(TBD)FEBRUARY 15, 2025Brian Carremail: becarr@k12.wv.us
Charleston Site
(George Washington HS)JANUARY 25, 2025
(snow date Feb. 1)Ellen Rameyemail: eramey@mail.kana.k12.wv.us
Elkins Site
(Elkins HS)JANUARY 25, 2025Eliza Tayloremail: eliza.taylor@k12.wv.us
Parkersburg Site
(Parkersburg South HS)Vocal & Piano:
JANUARY 25, 2025Instrumental:
FEBRUARY 1, 2025Shaun Davis and Jennifer Ratliffemail:  sedavis@k12.wv.us or jennifer.ratliff@k12.wv.us
Eastern Panhandle Site
(Martinsburg South MS)FEBRUARY 8, 2025Heather Nowellemail: heather.nowell@k12.wv.us
Northern Panhandle  Site
(John Marshall HS)FEBRUARY 1, 2025Tracey Filbenemail: tfilben@k12.wv.us
Huntington Site
(Spring Valley HS)JANUARY 25, 2025
(snow date Feb. 1)Jacob Smithemail: jacob.d.smith@k12.wv.us
Morgantown Site
(West Virginia University)JANUARY 18, 2025Cassie Nelsonemail: cassie.nelson.wv@gmail.com